
Affichage des articles du août, 2016

12 Easy Ways to Make Life Simple Again

Life is not complicated.  We are complicated.  When we stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, life is simple. Would you like to uncomplicate your life?  I bet you would! Lire la suite...

Seven Things I Did To Reboot My Life – WIL WHEATON dot NET

About twenty years ago, I had a portable spa in the back yard of my first house. One day, the heater stopped working, so I called a repairman to come out and look at it. He told me that there would be an $85 charge no matter what, and I told him that was okay. Lire la suite...

Read Less. Learn More.

What would you say if I told you that reading one book can be more valuable than reading fifty? That re-reading something familiar is more valuable than reading something new? What would you say if I told you that you could learn more by reading less? Lire la suite...

Life in a Tiny House: Why I Sold Everything I Owned

Early one morning in late 2014 I woke up in a panic with severe pain in my chest — I couldn’t breathe. My boyfriend saw that I was clearly struggling for air and quickly called 911. On the way to the hospital all I could think about was my family, friends and how I was way too young to die. Lire la suite...

The Joy of Removing “Busy”

Tightness in my chest, shallow breathing, headache, and a list with several dozen things on it constantly going round in my head. Then, there’s the feeling that I’m not enough and too much all at once. Have you felt this way? I can’t get enough done. I want too much. I feel too much. Lire la suite...

Purge your digital life — the minimal

I believe less is more. Less stuff means more clarity and focus, a chance to being mindful and finally being faster. With this post, I intend to stir you to give up on things that you don’t need. Because you try to hold on to it all, it’s so much harder for you to be your best. Lire la suite...

Why Self-Help Guru James Altucher Only Owns 15 Things

It was around 10 a.m. on a sun-drenched summer morning, and James Altucher, perhaps the world’s least likely success guru, was packing his worldly possessions, about 15 items, into a small canvas carry-on bag. “If I were to die, my kids get this bag,” Mr. Lire la suite...

à lire sur Medium: Oser partir, même quand tout n’est pas parfait

J'ai recommandé Oser partir, même quand tout n’est pas parfait sur Medium .

à lire sur Medium: 👊“The Weekly Boost “ — A perfect shot of motivation, delivered to your inbox!

J'ai recommandé 👊“The Weekly Boost “ — A perfect shot of motivation, delivered to your inbox! sur Medium .


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#homescreen #prisma sur une idée de @damrtom et @aschese

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Don't like trucks?

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Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things

Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things

à lire sur Medium: Creative Routine

J'ai recommandé Creative Routine sur Medium .

Je ne suis pas retourné sur Snapchat depuis la sortie des Stories sur Instagram...

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à lire sur Medium: Vous Ne Savez Pas Ce Que Vous Voulez ?

J'ai recommandé Vous Ne Savez Pas Ce Que Vous Voulez ? sur Medium .
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à lire sur Medium: Vous pouvez m’encourager concrètement maintenant

J'ai recommandé Vous pouvez m’encourager concrètement maintenant sur Medium .

à lire sur Medium: Merci à vous !

J'ai recommandé Merci à vous ! sur Medium .

à lire sur Medium: There & Back Again… Part.1

J'ai recommandé There & Back Again… Part.1 sur Medium .

Yes ! #greentea 🍵 #kitkat 🇯🇵

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à lire sur Medium: Numbers Don’t Matter, Influence Does

J'ai recommandé Numbers Don’t Matter, Influence Does sur Medium .

à lire sur Medium: Instagram a volé Snapchat, et c’est tant mieux.

J'ai recommandé Instagram a volé Snapchat, et c’est tant mieux. sur Medium .
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Aurore & Cedric - Wedding 2016